Habitat For Humanity Sunshine Coast has embarked on a major new project, the Sunshine Coast Village in Wilson Creek, that will provide fourteen new affordable homes, two per year, over the next seven years for low income families in our community.
Without affordable housing there is no future on the Sunshine Coast for single parents and families with low incomes. Together with our community partners we can help. Since 2007 Habitat For Humanity Sunshine Coast has completed one home in Gibsons and two additional homes, a duplex, in Sechelt. However, building affordable homes in this market is not easy. The rising cost of real estate, materials and labour makes it almost impossible to keep costs under control and we cannot do it without help.
The Sunshine Coast Village Project hit a costly snag before began. In 2007, we offered to purchase two lots in Wilson Creek which front on Highway 101, assuming that access would be approved. Unfortunately this was not the case and we are required to either build a new highway access or develop a new .5km half road to municipal standards on the south side of the property running west from Field Road. To reduce cost for the access we have elected to build the .5km half road because we believe that our community partners will help.
The new road does not have to be built immediately and we will have approximately 12 months to complete it while the first two homes (duplex) are under construction.
At this point we have received commitments for surveying and for the design and engineering of the road. We need further commitments of financial support or donations of materials, equipment, trucking and a location to place an unknown volume of over-burden to be removed from the right of way and the construction site.
The Sunshine Coast Village is a great idea that requires a commitment from all areas of our community if it is to be realized.
If your company is able to commit to this project now, we invite you to contact the Executive Director. executivedirector@habitatsc.ca