I Hope I Never Forget
by , Executive Director HFHSC One night while I was reading online news stories, I came across a piece that stirred in me an overwhelming emotional response. The story was about a man in Clayton Heights, B.C., who was lobbying the local municipal government to have basement suites deemed illegal and to not allow renters in his neighborhood. His words: “They are only renters.” His complaints were that renters took up too many parking spaces and the local schools were filled to capacity because of these renters. I was gobsmacked by the selfish and irrational thinking this man was showing — and that he was actually taking this position publicly. …
Yes, We Need Habitat
By David Conners “Why do you need Habitat for Humanity on the Sunshine Coast? Isn’t everyone quite well-off there? Can’t they already afford a home?” I was catching up with a friend of mine who lives in a city far away from our (sometimes) sunny shores when she made these comments. And she is partially correct. We live in a place where people hardly even blink when houses sell for a million dollars or more. An unusually high percentage of Sunshine Coast residents are retired. Many are reaping the benefits of a lifetime of hard work. Others took the money and ran after making a killing on Vancouver’s booming real …
Family Selection Story
Devin Manning was driving to a carpentry job here on the Sunshine Coast when he got the phone call that would change his life. “(Habitat for Humanity Sunshine Coast board chair) Laurie Vance called to give me the news that my family had been accepted for a Habitat home. It was a surreal experience. I drove straight home to tell Danielle (Falardeau, his partner). I guess I got to the job a little late.” The Manning-Falardeaus are one of two families who moved into their new homes in Habitat for Humanity Sunshine Coast Village near Wilson Creek in July. “It’s such a relief,” Manning says. “There is so much less …
Habitat for Humanity Information Sessions!
Looking for more information about becoming a Habitat home owner? Habitat for Humanity Sunshine Coast (HFHSC) has now completed 8 family homes in its Sunshine Coast village and we are building another two that will be completed in 2018 If you are looking for more information as to what Habitat for Humanity is, how to qualify as a family and what the family expectations are please join us during our 2 information sessions, one in Gibsons and one in Sechelt. Space is limited so reserve your spot early!! SECHELT Info session RSVP Located at the Sechelt Indian Band Hall, September 10th from 2pm-4pm GIBSONS Info session RSVP located at Eric Cardinall Hall, …
Planned giving: hope for generations to come
Planned giving: hope for generations to come Planned giving: hope for generations to come – David Connors, Board Director Habitat for Humanity Sunshine Coast would like you to take a moment to contemplate your own mortality. It’s a scary thought; one that we often try to push into the dusty corners of our minds. But for some people on the Sunshine Coast, it is a comforting thought as well. Why? Because they know the good they have tried to do all their lives will also continue long after they are gone, thanks to planned giving. They don’t do it for recognition or accolades. “I am not putting out a …
Carter Work Project
The Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Work Project Story A hike through Hidden Grove Park near Sechelt takes you through fine young groves of Western Cedar and Douglas Fir. In some places, the ground beneath is dense with ferns; in others, moss carpets everything and mushrooms pop up like they are a part of a magic act. But it’s the rare, ancient, towering, fire-scarred trees that stop you in your tracks and make you want to pay homage to their strength and resilience. There are humans who have this same effect, and Habitat for Humanity Sunshine Coast (HFHSC) is celebrating two of them at its Carter Work Project kick-off July 9 …
It’s National Volunteer Week Next Week
“Not everything that counts can be counted. And not everything that can be counted, counts.” — Albert Einstein Volunteering is about giving, contributing and helping other individuals and the community. Volunteering means working with others to make a meaningful contribution to a better community. The value of volunteering cannot only be measured using monetary metrics but the value of our Habitat volunteers runs much deeper than just monetarily. How can we put a monetary value on ordinary people doing extraordinary things here on the Sunshine Coast. Everyone volunteers for difference reasons. Some people volunteer to expand their networks, work alongside others to gain experience, some to expand their profile but …
Newest Family Welcome
We invite you to join us in welcoming our newest family to our Sunshine Coast Village this Saturday, March 1.